Upper Deck Sports

NC Bandits Softball

NC Bandits Softball
Rawlings Heart of the Hide 12" Fastpitch Softball Glove: PRO120SB-32W


Rawlings Heart of the Hide 12" Fastpitch Softball Glove: PRO120SB-32W
Rawlings Heart of the Hide 12" Fastpitch Softball Glove: PRO120SB-32W

Rawlings Heart of the Hide 12" Fastpitch Softball Glove: PRO120SB-32W


Single Item

1 minimum

Step up your game with a pro-level glove next fastpitch softball season. This Rawlings Heart of the Hide 12" glove features a unique black, white and rose gold colorway with the brand's one-of-a-kind bull logo branded into the palm. This legendary glove series has been a top choice for pro baseball and softball players for years thanks to its ultra-premium quality leather. Heart of the Hide gloves are crafted from the top five percent of Rawlings's entire leather stock and only prime, center cut portions are used. This makes for gloves that are firm out of the box but easier to shape than gloves made with lesser-quality hides.

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